Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's time...!

Time to start my blog....and time for my 40th birthday. (gulp)

I've been thinking a lot recently about my "bucket list". (I hate the words 'bucket list' attached to an ideal that reflects on something so delicate as our mortality...but anywho)

Bucket lists are so revealing about their authors, and everyone's is unique. Don't cha think? Nonetheless, I have decided to create a list for myself of 40 things I've always wanted to do, places to go, goals to accomplish - all within my 40th year.  Lots of people have bucket lists - but sometimes items listed are not real to me, like "learning a new language".... or "setting a Guiness World Record"...I mean, really? Certainly you can take classes and such, but are you really going to master a whole foreign language in a year...with a full time job, and family, and dinner to make??? I ask myself these questions.

So self, we're shooting for 40 'drops' in the bucket - things that are still fabulous and stuff we want to do.......but within our fat arm's reach.

So I hereby announce, that effective October 4, 2010 - I will officially begin my quest as this girl turns 40.

Stay tuned for the Top 40 to be posted soon.

