Sunday, September 18, 2011

#35. Real Furniture

Whoa. I haven’t blogged about my 40-in-40 in such a long time, I think forgot how.

This post is super-belated, but couldn’t go forward into September (belated, again – I know…) until I had crossed this one off!

Real furniture….from a real store.

Yes, there is such a store as the Pottery Barn Outlet.

And yes, I purchased two dining chairs with arms. 

(BTW, these are not called “captain’s chairs” anymore – that, darling, is an old-fashioned term…and it apparently describes something else all together. Not sure what. Anywho, passing along this tidbit of furniture trivia I gained from my knowledgeable PBO salesclerk.)

Additionally, I purchased four dining chairs without arms.

Love them.

So why no dining room table? Well, my great-grandfather built our dining room farm table – so had to find something to go with the one-of-a-kind, pass-it-down-from-generation-to-generation, old-as-the-hills heirloom. You see?

I actually found the chairs on, but then thought I might try to see if they had them at the PBO…it wasn’t likely. Bless my stars – they actually had them! It was totally meant to be – and they actually look great with table!

It’s been a long time coming with this post – but trying to stay on top of the list!

More later,

Girl Turns 40