Wednesday, October 20, 2010

#17. Mmmm. Pomegranate Jelly.

Join a Product-of-the-Month Club

So, we’re off to good start with my year-long quest to check some things off my list.

Joining a “product-of-the-month” club made my list of 40, primarily because it fulfilled several criteria:

1.     Something I’ve always wanted to have/do, but never did.
2.     It’s an attainable goal.
3.     Not too cost prohibitive.
4.     Not too dangerous.
5.     Not too ridiculous.
6.     Not too difficult.

During my trip to California, two of my very best friends (I’ll call them Kix and Momma M) brainstormed with me about what products are available….on a  monthly basis….and we were astounded by the options! Did you know that you can get the usual stuff like cheese, wine/beer, and flowers, but also:

For your pantry:
Peanut Butter
Olive Oil
BBQ Sauce

And meat products:

And snacks:

But wait there’s more:
Dog Treats

Can you believe it?

So after much deliberation, I decided on flowers….but it did not meet the current criteria. (Too cost prohibitive. Approx cost: $500 for the year!)

Defeated, I returned home to North Carolina, with no decision regarding the winning “product”.  A few days later, imagine my surprise when I discovered a small box on my doorstep. …What’s this?

Juicy delight!

Nothin’ but a little jelly inside - Prissy L'il Pomegranate Jelly from CMBsweets. CMBsweets is a private label purveyor of gourmet jams & jellies; a start-up by a young single girl like myself from SanFran. How cool is that? Momma M and Kix had gifted me a Jelly-of-the-Month Club subscription, and fulfilled #17 from my list. 

So Posh. So Nice. Thank you so much!

And by sheer coincidence, I happened to have a pomegranate in the fruit bowl…really. It was love at first sight.

Love ya, mean it.

- GT40

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