Sunday, September 18, 2011

#35. Real Furniture

Whoa. I haven’t blogged about my 40-in-40 in such a long time, I think forgot how.

This post is super-belated, but couldn’t go forward into September (belated, again – I know…) until I had crossed this one off!

Real furniture….from a real store.

Yes, there is such a store as the Pottery Barn Outlet.

And yes, I purchased two dining chairs with arms. 

(BTW, these are not called “captain’s chairs” anymore – that, darling, is an old-fashioned term…and it apparently describes something else all together. Not sure what. Anywho, passing along this tidbit of furniture trivia I gained from my knowledgeable PBO salesclerk.)

Additionally, I purchased four dining chairs without arms.

Love them.

So why no dining room table? Well, my great-grandfather built our dining room farm table – so had to find something to go with the one-of-a-kind, pass-it-down-from-generation-to-generation, old-as-the-hills heirloom. You see?

I actually found the chairs on, but then thought I might try to see if they had them at the PBO…it wasn’t likely. Bless my stars – they actually had them! It was totally meant to be – and they actually look great with table!

It’s been a long time coming with this post – but trying to stay on top of the list!

More later,

Girl Turns 40

Sunday, August 7, 2011

#32. World’s Longest Yard Sale – August Trip of the Month

OK. So here’s something you should know – I am not a yard sale kind of Girl. I do not get up at o’dark thirty and schlep down the road to my neighbors house to buy their gently used washcloths and slightly tarnished holiday decorations. I fancy myself as being a little more…well, fancy. I mean, I love Haagen-Dazs and Williams-Sonoma (both hyphenated and fancy) for Pete’s sake.

But for my August Trip-of-the-Month, I decided to try the famous 127 sale. Every August, scores of families and dealers line Highway 127 between Gadsden, Alabama and Hudson, Michigan.  I opted for a mini-trip that might give me a taste of this experience.

We opted to drive to Jamestown, TN – the home of the 127 sale.

We visited the old Jailhouse where the Chamber of Commerce and the 127 Sale Headquarters were located. When we arrived there was a news crew documenting the activities – I tried to catch their pic, but they prefer to shoot the pictures, instead of be in one. Anywho…

The whole idea of the 127 sale is simply to drive the highway, and stop at the yard sales 'peppering' this route running through several states. We stuck to a short route: Jamestown to Crossville, TN, which was about 30 miles. 

There were more than 50+ sales found through this little stretch of road. (we didn’t stop at all of them!)

And two larger areas where over 50+ individuals and vendors were selling their yard sale goods, antiques, etc.   

I saw items priced from true yard sale prices -$.25 to $225.00, so there was truly something for everyone!

My favorite finds include:

A fleur-de-lis doorstop, for a pesky door in my home.

A “Vintage” luggage rack with needlepointed straps.

Yippee! It was so much fun!
I think it will make the cut for Girl Turns 41.

Stay tuned....


Sunday, July 31, 2011

#2. My Tree

Whew!!  What a summer....!  I just got back from a beach trip with the female members my family - 3 aunts, 2 cousins, and Momma, of course. We had a great time - but it got me athinkin' about my family tree. 

So today - I am an official member of The official family tree website.

It's a little expensive - about $12.95 per month. But already, I think it's worth it. Many documents are available online: census, birth/death certificates, etc. It's truly fascinating! I'm a geeky history buff, so you know....anywho.

Good, interesting stuff. 
Guess what the professions were of both my great-grandfathers?

Farmers, of course. (from the 1920 census.)

See? Cool stuff...

More to come - so stay tuned for August!

Holli a.k.a Girl Turns 40

Monday, July 18, 2011

40th Birthday Bucket List - 3rd Quarter Highlights

I can’t believe it – it’s been 9 months since I started my journey of Girl Turns 40.  July marks the 10th month, and into the 4th quarter…with only August and September to go!

It’s been a great year so far, let’s take a little trip down memory lane, shall we?

In the Educational category – one of my favorites was taking a cooking class.

My favorite book so far has been The Help, by Kathryn Stockett. (Can’t wait for the movie!)

In the Health & Wellness section – definitely, love my monthly massages! (Can you hear the fountain?)

From the Family section – the Panthers game wins (even though they lost.)

On my Personal list – cupcakes and flowers, need we say more?

As a humble servant, I have really enjoyed volunteering from my Spiritual/Service list.

From the Treasure chest, my favorite item is my ring – so far….

And finally, from the Travel section: my favorite Trip-of-the-Month has to be Orlando. (Maybe because, I just got back…!)

Or New Orleans…

Or the Grove Park Inn.

Hmmmm……hard to decide.

My grand total is 29 completes!
And 11 more to go…..

Stay tuned - there's still more good Girl Turns 40 stuff to come.

 - GT40

Saturday, July 9, 2011

#31. Magic Kingdom - July Trip-of-the-Month (Part 2)

I’ve only been once to Disney World, and that was close to 20 years ago. Thus, this “magical” place made it onto my Girl Turns 40 list.

So, Part 2 of my July Trip-of-the-Month to Orlando, was of course…to the happiest place on earth: Magic Kingdom. My work has been soooo C-R-A-Z-Y lately, going to “the happiest place on earth” seemed like a fairytale, indeed.

But yes! After a smooth plane ride (yippee!)…
and after checking in to a beautiful resort (the Hyatt Regency Cypress).

(Seriously, check out this pool!)

“Happiness” was beginning to set in.

Right away – we took off to the Magic Kingdom. The ultimate “happy” location.

And who wouldn’t feel lighthearted here?

There were parades in the daytime…

Parades in the nighttime…



And Mickey and Minnie, of course.

Oh yes, and fireworks.

It was ridiculously fun… (and ridiculously expensive. But we’re not focusing on that part.)

Happy July! 
Stay tuned for more….family fun ahead.

Girl Turns 40