Saturday, July 9, 2011

#31. Magic Kingdom - July Trip-of-the-Month (Part 2)

I’ve only been once to Disney World, and that was close to 20 years ago. Thus, this “magical” place made it onto my Girl Turns 40 list.

So, Part 2 of my July Trip-of-the-Month to Orlando, was of course…to the happiest place on earth: Magic Kingdom. My work has been soooo C-R-A-Z-Y lately, going to “the happiest place on earth” seemed like a fairytale, indeed.

But yes! After a smooth plane ride (yippee!)…
and after checking in to a beautiful resort (the Hyatt Regency Cypress).

(Seriously, check out this pool!)

“Happiness” was beginning to set in.

Right away – we took off to the Magic Kingdom. The ultimate “happy” location.

And who wouldn’t feel lighthearted here?

There were parades in the daytime…

Parades in the nighttime…



And Mickey and Minnie, of course.

Oh yes, and fireworks.

It was ridiculously fun… (and ridiculously expensive. But we’re not focusing on that part.)

Happy July! 
Stay tuned for more….family fun ahead.

Girl Turns 40

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