Sunday, June 26, 2011

Double Whammy - June Reviews

What a whirlwind June as been!
My focus on the Big Easy this month for Girl Turns 40 has not been easy. Big, yes – Easy, no.  It’s been more like the Big Busy, the Big Crazy, or the Big Exhausted.  But go Big or go home, right? 

Here's the double whammy - my movie and book picks for the month...

Whammy #1 - My book selection this month was, The House on First Street: My New Orleans Story by Julia Reed.  (The author has written several more books, including Ham Biscuits, Hostess Gowns, and other Southern Specialties - the title alone makes me smile.) The House on First Street is my first read by this author, but already I like her.  The book chronicles her life as an ultra chic contributor to Vogue, then she meets the love of her life, marries, and buys a fixer-upper near her roots in New Orleans. It’s all very Carrie Bradshaw – but in the Big Easy, instead of Carrie’s beloved New York City. 

After they’ve moved into their wonderful home – 4 weeks later, Hurricane Katrina hits. The story continues during the rebuild, including details of tragedies surrounding her, but the story and characters throughout make this a very colorful and cool book.  Grade: B+

Whammy #2 – My movie selection this month: A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) the original movie, based on the play by Tennessee Williams, and starring Vivien Leigh, Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, and Kim Hunter.  All the actors won Academy Awards with the exception of Marlon Brando – and I have no idea why he was not selected as well.  The story of two sisters and a brutish husband is complicated, and tragic.  This is not a feel good movie – anger, cruelty, violence – in 1951? Even in black-and-white, the power of the performances are incredible.  Oh, and it made the GT40 cut as it’s a classic movie I hadn’t seen... and the story is based in guess where?

Thanks for reading - stay tuned for more in July, as my journey continues.

Holli a.k.a. Girl Turns 40

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Girl Turns 40 - June Trip of the Month: New Orleans, LA! - Part 2

This is Bunny Friend Park in the 9th ward of New Orleans where Hurricane Katrina did her best to destroy, and the levees followed suit…

Bunny Friend Park was named for Joseph E. and Ida Weis Friend’s son “Bunny” who died at the age of 18. Together with the family, the community raised money to build a playground, but the years had taken its toll – and as part of my visit to New Orleans, we volunteered to give it a mini-Extreme Makeover.

We painted the clubhouse.

We built trash receptacle fences (you know, to make them look more attractive!)

We built picnic tables.

And we planted trees all around the perimeter of the park.

It was a great experience – very rewarding – even though it was 96 degrees….on the bayou…with 196% humidity…seriously. (Sweet mercy. What a hot day!)

One of the most interesting (and heartbreaking) parts were the remaining shells of houses that have now been abandoned. 

We had the opportunity to work alongside some of the remaining residents, and they said most folks that had lived there didn’t have homeowners insurance – and just couldn’t afford to rebuild. So they left. Plucked out during the disaster, and had never returned.

It was really sad – but it seems that the community is bouncing back, slowly but surely.

It was such a gift to be able to go there, and volunteer – I mean, haven’t you watched disasters on television and wished you could help? It’s never too late!

 - Girl Turns 40

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Girl Turns 40 - June Trip of the Month: New Orleans, LA! - Part 1

Or rather, “N’Awlins” as the locals say…..

(Sorry I haven’t posted in such a long time – it’s been so crazy, and just back-to-back trips and Girl-blog stuff! I hope to catch up on lots of posts this week as there’s much to share as I continue my journey of Girl Turns 40.)

So – New Orleans was my June TOTM – and what a city!  I wasn’t sure about the state of tourism in New Orleans, but it did not disappoint…Post-Katrina, everything is looking up for the good people of N’Awlins, and the streets were full of happy vacationers.

Bourbon Street
(Seriously? Bourbon Street makes Las Vegas look like a Disney vacation. )
It was so raucous and raunchy, but made a great stage for people-watching.

This was Saturday night – and people were on balconies all along Bourbon, throwing out beads…

Plus , the famous Pat O’Briens.

…with dueling pianos.

…and flaming torch-fountains.

Beautiful architecture down on the bayou…

The wrought iron…

The tucked away gardens down every alley….

The Food (my favorite!)
Oh my. The food was truly outstanding.

We tried crawfish at the The Gumbo Pot. (I had never tried it, didn’t know how to peel it, so the cooks from the kitchen helped us!) It was delicious!

And I had the best shrimp and grits I’ve EVER had at Mr. B’s BistroAnd of course, we had beignets and coffee at CafĂ© du Monde

We also happened upon the Oyster Festival in the French Quarter – pronounced the “UR-ster” Festival, by the locals…

The oyster-eating contest had just finished, where the winner had eaten…
(brace yourself)…39 dozen oysters! Yes, dozen – or 468 oysters in about 10 minutes. Ugh!

Whew – the Girl is exhausted from all the festivities, but I "heart" New Orleans!
Stay tuned for Part 2.

 GT 40

Friday, June 3, 2011

#29. Beach Bums - My May Trip to Oak Island and Bald Head

Collective sigh.

Not much to say - I've been surrounded by beauty.

This is Oak Island, NC - Beautiful, and my favorite part...deserted.

Fun shopping in Southport. (A very old port city on the coast...known for pirates.)

and great food...

(Fresh strawberry-rhubard pie.)

Ferried over to Bald Head for the day.

Old Baldy - the lighthouse on the island.

LOVE the marina. I think I was pirate wench in a former life... I love the sea, and the vessels that float on the sea.

Need I say more?

Beauty everywhere...and in its simplest form.

All together now.....Ahhhhh.

Holli a.k.a. Girl Turns 40