Sunday, June 26, 2011

Double Whammy - June Reviews

What a whirlwind June as been!
My focus on the Big Easy this month for Girl Turns 40 has not been easy. Big, yes – Easy, no.  It’s been more like the Big Busy, the Big Crazy, or the Big Exhausted.  But go Big or go home, right? 

Here's the double whammy - my movie and book picks for the month...

Whammy #1 - My book selection this month was, The House on First Street: My New Orleans Story by Julia Reed.  (The author has written several more books, including Ham Biscuits, Hostess Gowns, and other Southern Specialties - the title alone makes me smile.) The House on First Street is my first read by this author, but already I like her.  The book chronicles her life as an ultra chic contributor to Vogue, then she meets the love of her life, marries, and buys a fixer-upper near her roots in New Orleans. It’s all very Carrie Bradshaw – but in the Big Easy, instead of Carrie’s beloved New York City. 

After they’ve moved into their wonderful home – 4 weeks later, Hurricane Katrina hits. The story continues during the rebuild, including details of tragedies surrounding her, but the story and characters throughout make this a very colorful and cool book.  Grade: B+

Whammy #2 – My movie selection this month: A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) the original movie, based on the play by Tennessee Williams, and starring Vivien Leigh, Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, and Kim Hunter.  All the actors won Academy Awards with the exception of Marlon Brando – and I have no idea why he was not selected as well.  The story of two sisters and a brutish husband is complicated, and tragic.  This is not a feel good movie – anger, cruelty, violence – in 1951? Even in black-and-white, the power of the performances are incredible.  Oh, and it made the GT40 cut as it’s a classic movie I hadn’t seen... and the story is based in guess where?

Thanks for reading - stay tuned for more in July, as my journey continues.

Holli a.k.a. Girl Turns 40

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