Sunday, June 12, 2011

Girl Turns 40 - June Trip of the Month: New Orleans, LA! - Part 1

Or rather, “N’Awlins” as the locals say…..

(Sorry I haven’t posted in such a long time – it’s been so crazy, and just back-to-back trips and Girl-blog stuff! I hope to catch up on lots of posts this week as there’s much to share as I continue my journey of Girl Turns 40.)

So – New Orleans was my June TOTM – and what a city!  I wasn’t sure about the state of tourism in New Orleans, but it did not disappoint…Post-Katrina, everything is looking up for the good people of N’Awlins, and the streets were full of happy vacationers.

Bourbon Street
(Seriously? Bourbon Street makes Las Vegas look like a Disney vacation. )
It was so raucous and raunchy, but made a great stage for people-watching.

This was Saturday night – and people were on balconies all along Bourbon, throwing out beads…

Plus , the famous Pat O’Briens.

…with dueling pianos.

…and flaming torch-fountains.

Beautiful architecture down on the bayou…

The wrought iron…

The tucked away gardens down every alley….

The Food (my favorite!)
Oh my. The food was truly outstanding.

We tried crawfish at the The Gumbo Pot. (I had never tried it, didn’t know how to peel it, so the cooks from the kitchen helped us!) It was delicious!

And I had the best shrimp and grits I’ve EVER had at Mr. B’s BistroAnd of course, we had beignets and coffee at Café du Monde

We also happened upon the Oyster Festival in the French Quarter – pronounced the “UR-ster” Festival, by the locals…

The oyster-eating contest had just finished, where the winner had eaten…
(brace yourself)…39 dozen oysters! Yes, dozen – or 468 oysters in about 10 minutes. Ugh!

Whew – the Girl is exhausted from all the festivities, but I "heart" New Orleans!
Stay tuned for Part 2.

 GT 40

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