Friday, November 12, 2010

#12. Panthers vs. Saints

This past weekend, I successfully checked off #12. Take my family to a professional football game.

I don't know about you, but where I live high school football and college basketball are bona fide religions.   Have you ever seen Friday Night Lights? Well, that's my hometown. We're born-n-raised lovin' football in this town, and I admit....I do like football. Reality Check: I am not planning my weekend around a game, or any other activity for that matter, but I enjoy it - if it just happens to be on television. And I just happen to be home.

Because the Carolina Panthers are the closest professional football team, and because I thought it would be cool to take the family, this activity made the cut for (you know).... the List.

I was fortunate enough to score (no pun intended) four tickets from a friend at work. The Panthers are really.....(being kind) struggling, to say the least, so getting tickets is not so hard.

What was AMAZING was the scores of people walking in DROVES into what seemed to be the only open door at the stadium. My mother (she's 70) who has never, ever been to a professional level sporting event, fervently stated that she wished she had gone to town and gotten her flu shot. Then pulled her scarf over her mouth, so she didn't "catch" anything.

It was an absolutely, beautiful fall day - about 65 degrees. Look at all those people - about 73,000 in attendance...maybe Momma was right about the flu shot.

About midway through the game, we opted for some refreshments - as we were on the sunny side of the stadium, and it was getting warm. See the shady side in the back? Those people froze.

We ran up to the concession stand - bought one Coke, oops -need another Coke, and bought a bottled water.   Total bill? $15. Seriously. $5 each. Those prices make the movie theatre fare look cheapy-cheap cheap.

Halftime show was cool: The Summerall Guards from the Citadel in Charleston performed their drills, with precision - but the interesting part was that they asked the fans to observe their performance in silence. Really? Is it possible for 73,000+ people to be "silent"? Well - color me happy, most did - and it was a very interesting halftime show. 

Sad ending to this fine day for the gridiron: Saints 34 vs Panthers 3. 

 - GT40

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