Thursday, November 25, 2010

#17. Gobble Gobble - Orange Cranberry Sauce

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a quick note to bid you a happy holiday - and to share my latest JOTM (Jelly of the Month) arrival. Again from CMB Sweets - an Orange Cranberry Sauce, just in time for The Big Meal.

Headed over to my Aunt Pea's house, and like most's potluck. Momma is cooking sweet potato casserole, homemade mac & cheese, and a fruit salad. My Aunt Gigi who is not known for her cooking abilities, and is often teased at our family get togethers. She basically makes three things:

1) green beans
2) deviled eggs
3) biscuits (like my Grandma's!)

True Story: The running joke is that my uncle (her husband) often gives her great piece of jewelry for Christmas, and he hides her Christmas gifts because she goes in search of them. One year, he hid all her gifts.... in the oven. She never found them, and he pulled them out of the oven on Christmas morning. Hilarious.

So, back to the biscuits....she can make the BEST biscuits I've ever had - and I can't wait to enjoy my Orange Cranberry Sauce on a good old-fashioned hot, buttered biscuit.

Have a great Turkey day!

Next post on Sunday: Highlights of my TOTM (Trip of the Month) to Nashville, Tennessee!

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