Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Angel" Volunteers - Part Two

One of my favorite quotes is by the famous American anthropologist, Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

I love it, because it congers up an image of a coupla do-gooders literally saving The World, and I think that’s a nice image – practically a standard to live by. 

So for Part Two of volunteering during this month, I found myself at a local homeless organization. Again, the company I work for allows employees to participate in various service and volunteer projects, particularly during the holidays.  This time, I volunteered to “adopt” a few individuals from this organization; these guys are enrolled in a substance abuse recovery program, and had asked for a few simple Christmas wishes.  Believe it or not, most are doing well in recovery – and are trying to take steps to move themselves into more permanent housing. Most of the requested gift items were either 1) simple – like socks, gloves, boxers, or 2) for someone else – like a toy tricycle for a grandchild.

This “Part Two” service project afforded me an extra benefit – I got to tag along for the delivery of ALL the adopted gifts, about 35 in total.

(Note: I couldn’t take pictures of the patrons, so there’s not a lot to look at here…but…what a warm reception we received when we got there. )

It’s really moved me today – on Christmas Eve eve – I have a true gratitude for the possessions I have, and for my family who loves me.

Sidebar: As we were delivering these gifts, I spoke with one of the staff. Of course, she was very appreciative, but also shared with me how important the actual “gifts” were. She explained that some of the older, mature adults had memories of growing up in very poor homes – and their parents would choose a Christmas dinner over Christmas presents. She continued that some had old memories of not receiving any gifts for years – remember... social service organizations are a fairly recent invention.  
Do-gooders were in shorter supply back-in-the-day (so to speak).

We weren’t invited to stay for the opening of gifts – but I have pictures in my head of the joy on these weathered faces.

It was my sincere pleasure to participate in this project – and I can’t wait to do it again next year.

Merry Christmas,
Happy Holidays,


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