Wednesday, February 9, 2011

#15. Belated Cupcakes

My original plan for Cupcake Day was to splurge on the 4th of each month to “celebrate” my birthday. Well, it’s the 9th – what can I say, the “best laid plans…”
At least we’re still in the single digit dates, so “Happy Belated Cupcake!” to me.

Despite the fact that I’m (ahem) a few days late – Polka Dot Bakery did not disappoint.  Love, love, love this place….and the cupcakes are beautiful. And February is all about Beauty and Love – so these little treats make my Valentine heart flutter.

Speaking of V-Day, when I arrived at the store – this was on display:

Like little works of art…

Today’s cupcake flavor: Raspberry Fudge

I opted for a chocolate choice, as February makes me think of chocolate.
(Wait, November/December also make me think of chocolate – the holidays…
Oh! And October - Halloween…
Ummm, and April – chocolate Easter bunnies…
Ok, nevermind. )

Anywho, back to my Raspberry Fudge.

The raspberry part was on the inside of the fudge part on the outside.

But of course, Dahling.

...and then, there was no inside part or outside part.

Beautiful and delicious – I think I am in love.


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