Sunday, February 27, 2011

#14. Magic Make-up Day

Saturday was my Magic Make-up Makeover Day. 
So, welcome to Laura Mercier!

For years, I have used many types of cosmetics, and mostly from drugstores – so, having my makeup done professionally made the Top 40 ‘drops’ list. I must be the only 40-ish single girl in America still wearing my high school makeup.  (No judging please! I am sure you have memories of blue eyeliner and Bonnie Bell pink lipgloss.) I certainly think I’ve graduated from that style, but still could use some improvement.

Lauren was my makeup artist, and I quizzed her relentlessly as she worked literal “magic” on my face. It wasn’t easy….

There were approximately 43 brushes. (Seriously…)

And trays and trays and trays of products and colors.

Lauren was truly great – she patiently educated me about various LM products, and answered my barrage of questions. She had a toolbox of cosmetics and effortlessly turned my uneven skintone and patchy spots into a smooth, flawless complexion – which was absolutely radiant...It was intoxicating.  

Who knew the secret to beautiful skin was some fancy makeup?
And a make-up artist?
And a pseudo-assistant?
Hmmmm, I feel I may need an entourage.

OK – seriously. 
It was a fun experience. I felt like my makeup looked beautiful – but not overdone – which was exactly what I was looking for!

So, naturally, I bought one of everything:

Total cost? $155 and change.

Was it worth it? Yes!! 

Basking in the glow,

Girl Turns 40

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