Saturday, February 5, 2011

February - The Month of Beauty and Jane Austen

February is famous for lots of things – Groundhog Day, President’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. It’s Black History Month, Heart Health Month, and Chinese New Year.

For me, February means:
Love stories
Spa treatments
…and a good-old fashioned makeover.

Thus, I have officially dubbed February:
“The Month of Beauty and Jane Austen.”

The Beauty part is easy enough – I have booked an appointment with a make-up artist (See the Top40 list -  #14), and I can’t wait for her to work some ‘makeover magic’!
Haircuts, eyebrows, lip waxes (ouch!) are all on the unofficial agenda…because, you know “I’m worth it.” (I’m flashing you a smokey eye right now.)

February TOTM (Trip of the Month): Grove Park Inn & Spa in Asheville, NC.  OMG – I can’t wait.  In keeping with the Beauty theme, it is beyond beautiful…

What about the Jane Austen part? Well, she’s the conductor of the 19th century Love Train, baby. (People all over the world, join hands….) I just love Pride and Prejudice, and Sense and Sensibility – but didn’t want to re-read those titles for my book selection. 

So, the February Book Selection is: Writing Jane Austen by Elizabeth Aston. This modern-day story unfolds with an unfinished manuscript authored by Jane Austen being discovered, and the heroine is asked to finish the book as a ghost writer.  No pressure.

Movie Selection: Pride and Prejudice (1995 version) directed by Simon Langton, and starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. I’ve never see this classic version, which ran as a mini-series on the BBC.  According to critics, it is the best Austen adaptation available of any of her books, but I think it’s going to be another multi-movie night month… it runs about 330 minutes. (Sigh.)

February is shaping up to be a ‘beautiful’ month – no pun intended. Lots of love and stuff to look forward to!


Easy, Breezy Covergirl
(aka Girl Turns 40)

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