Wednesday, April 20, 2011

#21. Volunteer Time! Cleanin’ the Green

Tomorrow is Earth Day so let’s all change to energy-saver squiggly lightbulbs, plant a tree, recycle a bottle, shop for a hybrid car, clean a stream, write to your Congressman, invest in a clean energy company, walk to work, and then get a good night’s rest. Whew!

It ain’t easy bein’ green.
Hmmm….Girl, why don’t you focus on just ONE of these items…eh?

Thus – in honor of Earth Day – I chose to volunteer to pick up trash along a local  greenway.  I mean, it wasn’t hard work either…check out the pics.

It’s 1.5 miles this way…

And then 1.5 miles this direction.

I donned my gear – tennis shoes with my dress pants. Lovely. (I volunteered right after work – so you know, it’s a GT40 fashion statement.)

Gloves. Check.

Trashbag. Check.

And we were off! Luckily for me – it was already pristine. Hardly anything to pickup!

It was a great experience – and an absolutely, beautiful Spring day!

(Deep breath) Ahhhh…..

 - The Girl

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