Sunday, April 3, 2011

#27. Dallas, Texas – My March Trip of the Month

Just spent a much needed girls weekend in Texas.  My best friend from LA (“Kix”) flew over from the West Coast, and I flew from the East Coast – and we met in the Middle…specifically, Dallas. We stayed with yet another one of my girlfriends (“Dee”), and ahhh……it was so great to see them!

Dee’s house is beautiful – check out the pool area:

We went out.
Then we stayed in.

There was lots of eating and drinking,
some more eating and drinking,
then, a little more eating and drinking.
It was great!

Meanwhile.... have you ever experienced Chinese Foot Massage?

Somewhere, along the way in Dallas, our hostess and friend “Dee” asked if we wanted to go to Sole Therapy - a foot massage place. “Kinda like when you get your feet rubbed during a pedicure. “ Sounds good right?

Ok. Just to give you an idea in case you haven’t experienced this - in the Amazing Race Season 14, teams could choose to endure a Chinese Foot Massage as one of the challenges. Need I say more?

But oh yes, stupid is as stupid does.
So Kix and I said “yes” and we had no idea what we were saying ‘yes’ to.

It starts out innocently enough…
you lie down on a recliner as the technicians wash your feet. Ahhh. Feels Good.

Then pain begins. 
For a whole hour.
$35 for a whole hour of pain….well, 70% pain. 30% pleasure.

I was literally in tears, and was swearin’ and prayin’ all at the same time. When it was over, I swore I’d never do it again. But guess what? After it was over, my back, my shoulders, my legs, and my feet have NEVER felt better! No kidding. 

So here’s to old friends, and new experiences - right?
Thanks to Dee, her family, and Kix for a great time in Dallas!

April 2011 is coming soon….just got back from extensive travel, so stay tuned! 

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