Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Farm Dinner – Millstone Meadows Farm

It’s been a while since I’ve posted – I’ve been busy on the Farm!

Over Easter weekend, I had the sincere pleasure of going to the Farm Dinner held at Millstone Meadows Farm in North Carolina. Similar to the concept of Outstanding in the Field from California, the owners (Mark & Sara) host dinners once a month at their daylily farm. (It’s not daylily season here yet – too early – but there were plenty of beautiful things to behold!)

Sara prepared a lovely Viennese menu…

1st course: Artisan cheeses, pork rillete and radishes
2nd course: Smoked trout potato cake
3rd course: Pork sausage meatballs schnitzel
4th course: Lamb (3 ways) with creamed cauliflower & field greens salad
5th course: Fresh strawberries & lemon curd crepes (Girl’s favorite)

Sweet Lord. It was delicious…and I mean, absolutely de-licious!

Each course was served as we gathered around the communal tables next to the farmhouse. 

There were about 30 of us for dinner, and though we started as strangers – we were all friends at the end of the meal...burp. (Ohhhh…. pardon me!)

Great time had by all...hiccup. (Oopsy.)

Next up: GT40 Book Review & headed to Liberty, NC for the Antiques Festival!

Stay tuned…. 

Holli a.k.a. Girl Turns 40

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