Monday, April 18, 2011

#4. An Inconvenient Truth – April Movie Review

Ahhh. Good Times. Global Warming. Oh boy.

Grade: A

OK. So all you tree huggers out there – unite! An Inconvenient Truth was indeed a documentary – and a drama, and some sci-fi, a little horror, with a smidge of comedy to boot.  Mostly though, it was riveting, and unlike any movie I’d ever seen.

A quick summary for the other person (besides me) who hasn’t seen it:
Al Gore, former VPOTUS – candidate, is captured on film delivering his lecture regarding global warming.  He presents a myriad of slides and graphs, all pointing to various culprits contributing to the demise of our planet – particularly the increase of carbon dioxide which creates the “greenhouse effect”.

I think the most impactful for me were the before-and-after “natural” shots of various locations – such as, an ice sheet in Greenland, where the ice has clearly melted and retreated ultimately changing its ecosystem.

Overall, I liked it – but it really makes you think about your own carbon footprint…
Hmmm... very compelling stuff here. (Regardless of your opinion about global warming, isn’t it worth the effort anyway?)

These are a few of the tips provided by the official website:

1. Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl).
2. Move your thermostat down 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in summer.
3. Clean or replace filters on your furnace and air conditioner.
4. Install a programmable thermostat.
5. Choose energy efficient appliances when making new purchases.
6. Wrap your water heater in an insulation blanket.
7. Use less hot water.
8. Buy fresh foods instead of frozen.
9. Seek out and support local farmers markets.
10. Buy organic foods as much as possible.
…there’s a bunch more, so click here for the complete list.

Once again, movie night did not disappoint – so educational.

I feel smarter.


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