Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cold Cherry Blossoms - #28. April 2011 Trip of the Month

I’ve always wanted to see the cherry blossoms in Washington, DC.  I’ve seen the beautiful, flowering trees on television – usually at the start or close of the evening newscast – but never in person.  Thus for my April Trip-of-the-Month, what better way to ring in Spring, than a trip to DC to the Cherry Blossom Festival?

Sweet, Lord.
We drove up from North Carolina - where it was about 72 degrees - to Washington where the temperature hovered at about 42 degrees.  Again, brrr.
Undeterred, we forged ahead... even with a cold, damp misty rain (and a Zyrtec, of course).

And once again, the Girl was not disappointed. The cherry blossoms were at their peak, and even through the cold and mist, they were beautiful.

The biggest draw: the cherry trees lining the tidal basin near the Jefferson and FDR Memorials.

We strolled under the canopy of cherry blossoms around the tidal basin.

We stopped to admire the Jefferson Memorial.

From the steps of the Jefferson Memorial, I spied the White House - can you see it through the misty rain?

And then on to the FDR Memorial.

(I think another trip to Washington, DC may be on the ‘Girl Turns 41’ list. There are so many new monuments and memorials, like the World War II – it was amazing! And, I simply can’t showcase them here. They warrant their own post…)

It was a great trip – very impressive...I loved it!

Stay tuned for much more,


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