Monday, May 2, 2011

Bonus Trip – Liberty Antiques Festival

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Over the weekend, we attended the Liberty Antiques Festival in Liberty, NC…of course. Touted as the #1 antiques show in the Southeast, it certainly did not disappoint. There were over 300 vendors (high cotton vendors, folks – no flea market stuff here…) spread over 100 acres on a private farm. This was the real McCoy! (Tee hee…no pun intended.)

A great crowd.

Really fun stuff like: a Harley-Davidson bike.

Cool, old signs.


Rooster stuff. (Love this picture.)

Musical instruments.

Lots of dishes.

Even a roof gable!

The Girl wasn’t much of a shopper, but more of a Gawker. Now that I’ve visited, I can be better prepared for the next festival in September.

Once I get my ducks in a row…

then I can hone in and figure out which items are Girl Turns 40 treasures!

Stay tuned for May – it’s lookin’ good!

 - GT40

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