Sunday, May 29, 2011

#4. Cool Summer - May Movie Review

Grade: A, dude.

Wow. Way cool. If I didn’t feel cool before, I definitely do now –

I have joined an elite group of surf fans and movie fans of The Endless Summer. Directed by Bruce Brown, this movie is recognized to be a breakthrough for the sport of surfing, and also for its documentary style as more “relaxed” versus “educational”…so to speak.  

The premise of the movie is cool too – the idea is two surfers (real surfers – not actors) Mike Hynson and Robert August follow summer around the world, looking for the perfect wave, and essentially creating an ‘endless summer’. The locations are amazing – South Africa, Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, plus Hawaii and California.  (Whoa! This could inspiration for Girl Turns 41…)

Watching this movie also increased my awareness of how dangerous the sport really is.  All the characters use long boards – which seem a lot harder than the more common short boards of today….but anywho, this Girl is not a surfer so what-do-I-know!

If you haven’t seen it, it’s tough to find – but well worth watching!



Stay tuned for the Trip of the Month – I am headed to my own endless summer at Oak Island and Bald Head Island beaches!

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