Thursday, March 24, 2011

#3. March Book Review – Being Martha

Grade : B – it’s a pretty good thing.

I have been a fan of Martha Stewart for many years. Pre-prison and post-prison, she has been an inspiration to me and others who aspire to be entrepreneurs and aim to live, well…better. 

The Girl Gist:
The book was written by Lloyd Allen – a lifelong friend of Martha, so naturally every anecdote portrayed Martha in the best possible way. I don’t blame Martha… she does have (ahem) a reputation, and I would also want to endorse a biography with the MSL Seal-of-Approval.  (There’s so much negativity out there…think Kitty Kelly her biography about Oprah Winfrey.) Mmmm? Don’t you agree?

my favorite part about the book is the chronological elements of how Martha Stewart became Martha Stewart, if-you-know-what-I-mean.  It all started in the late 70s with Martha selling breakfast baked goods displayed in baskets in an upscale store. Seriously? Who knew? I always thought it was a silver-spoon kind of thing. (No pun intended…’silver spoon’)

Then the catering began, benignly… but alas illegally, from her basement. The story continues with humorous episodes of Martha evading the Health Dept. officials, or outright fighting with the local City Council about her “business”.  It’s all so inspirational, and from such humble beginnings!
I have hope.

Allen also addresses Martha’s relationships – her husband, her daughter, her mother, her staff. Additionally, there’s also a large section devoted to the ‘fall’ of Martha - her conviction and prison sentence. Allen describes all events in the book in great detail, and I found myself (albeit, recognizing the spin) understanding and empathizing with her circumstances. Ultimately the book left me with a renewed respect for her personally, the empire she built, and the her perseverance through it all. 

The title of the book sums it up:
Being Martha: The Inside Story of Martha Stewart and Her Amazing Life.

Love her or hate her
– she has lead an amazing life, indeed.

Holli a.k.a Girl Turns 40

Stay tuned - my cooking class is up next!

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