Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 2011 - Spring Fever!

Oh, the weather outside’s delightful, not frightful – it’s been in the upper 60s, and spring fever is in the air!

It’s finally March – Spring officially begins on the 20th, and I am feeling a little lift in my spirits aren’t you?

My favorite things about Spring:
1. Color!!! Chartreuse green, tangerine orange, and bubble gum pink for everything.
2. Bulbs (flowers, not lights) – especially tulips.
3. Trees – green and/or blooming.
4. Mild temperatures.
5. No bugs yet.
6. Cleaning, seriously

This month there are some fabulous things ahead - my cooking class, and buying furniture for starters...(Yippee!)
but, it's Spring Cleaning time, ladies. From # 9 on the Top 40 'Drops' list, Operation: Recipe File will commence…so tuned for more!

In keeping with the spring cleaning theme of the month:

Book Selection
Being Martha: the Inside Story of Martha Stewart and Her Amazing Life by Lloyd Allen.

I just love to read biographies and autobiographies - so who better to read about than the queen of good livin'?

Movie Selection
Sunshine Cleaning directed by Christine Jeffs,
Starring Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, and Alan Arkin. I realize this movie doesn't quite meet the "classic" movie standard, but I think it has potential to be a cult classic. The story is about two sisters who are struggling financially, and begin a cleaning business....for crime scenes.  I’ve heard it’s a great movie, and I want it to be enjoyable – hopefully quirky-funny, and not weirdo-funny. We’ll see…..

My reward for all the household chores?
Girlfriend Weekend!

March TOTM (Trip of the Month)
Dallas, Texas! My very good friend Dee lives in Dallas, so Kix (my best friend from California) is flying from the West Coast, and I’m flying the East Coast, and we’re meeting in the Middle. They say everything’s bigger in Texas, so our first stop is the local cupcake bakery. I’ll let you know if this holds true. (And I know you thought I was visiting Martha in New England….)

Happy days are here again,

Holli a.k.a. Girl Turns 40

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