Sunday, March 20, 2011

Two Things - #16. and #9.

First thing:

#16. March Flowers

Top o’ the mornin’ to ya – and happy belated St. Patty’s Day.  Love my flowers this month are pure white, yellow, and chartreuse green -  so fresh looking! I especially love the tall, green Bells of Ireland…

Second thing:

Good Lord, the recipes.
Still working on #9. Operation: Recipe File, and it’s a job! Because there are so many elements, I’ve decided to break into smaller jobs. At the end of the month, we’ll have a big party to celebrate this accomplishment – I’ve been working hard!

Step One 
Purge and divide.
I had no idea how many pieces of paper I had collected.  For me, this first pass for “purge and divide” will be to separate decorating ideas from recipes – all ripped out and saved.   COMPLETE! (Yippee!)

Sidebar: Although mostly recipes and decorating ideas….I also found:

A grocery store receipt
A church bulletin
Some junk mail
The Owner’s Manual from my charcoal grill
And my automobile insurance policy

Hmmmm. Well.

Step Two
Set the decorating ideas and clippings aside until Girl Turns 41.
COMPLETE! (Yippee!)

"X" marks the spot, and here’s where I am…..

Step Three
Tackle the remaining clippings, and further divide them into two categories:

Recipes to Try

Still sorting, but the end is near!

Step Four:
The nitty-gritty of it all.
Stay tuned for the final phase, summary, and wrap party. 


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