Sunday, January 30, 2011

Plan B – My January TOTM (Trip of the Month): Charlotte, NC

My plans changed.

Originally, for my trip of the month, I was scheduled to go up into the North Carolina mountains to a small little town named Shatley Springs. This town boasts the most unusual of art pieces: 3 frescoes in 3 little churches.  Since January’s focus has been spiritual in nature, I thought this was a mighty fine idea.  Alas, Old Man Winter had another plan – and I simply couldn’t get there. Plus, it’s off-season for this area with many businesses closed due to the winter. So, hmmmmm…Plan B.

I was raised in the South, as a Southern Baptist (and I have a deep respect for my roots) but have also spent years in California, and have learned to accept different cultures, religions, and people.  (You know….a little bit country, and little bit rock n’ roll, so to speak spiritually.)  So, I decided Plan B would be to visit the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC. 

Most people know or have heard of Billy Graham, as he is quite possibly the most famous evangelist of the 20th century. The Library is really a large museum of galleries highlighting different portions of Billy Graham’s life. 

I’m a history buff – so I much enjoyed little tidbits, including the fact that Billy Graham has counseled no fewer than 12 Presidents, from Truman to Obama. 

An interesting gallery with console televisions (from back-in-the-day) running clips of Billy Graham’s younger years.

Other interesting clips and photo galleries included a large round room with interactive video from ministers speaking about Billy Graham from around the world.

The final gallery is a techno-experience. You walk through an archway shaped as a cross – which leads to an enormous Thomas Kinkade wall painting.

My favorite part was the landscape surrounding the Library. There were winding paths through the grounds, leading from one meditative spot to another.  Note the huge green “portabello-mushroom” speaker below the sign….

Absolutely beautiful music was piped outdoors, and these ‘musical mushrooms’ dotted the landscape throughout, it was truly wonderful.

Moral of the story: Don’t be afraid of Plan B.  It can turn out to be a great, unexpected experience.

Happy Sunday,


Sunday, January 23, 2011

My 40th Birthday Bucket X-List

Welcome to The X-List. 

The X-list is simply a mini-list of accomplishments that I have already "crossed-off" or "X'd off" my LifeLong Bucket List. Hence the name: The X-List.  I think it’s important to understand how I arrived at my Top 40 bucket list, as you may wonder… why didn't (fill in the blank here) make it onto the Girl's bucket list?.....And, the most probable reason an item didn’t make the cut is: 

I’ve probably already done it or seen it...or it didn't meet the criteria.

Remember, the criteria for my Top 40 list is:
1. Something I’ve always wanted to have/do, but never did.
2. It’s an attainable goal.
3. Not too cost prohibitive.
4. Not too dangerous.
5. Not too ridiculous.
6. Not too difficult.

So keeping this in mind, why not....
 - Climb Mt. Everest, (or any kind of rock climbing for that matter)?
 - Hike some faraway trail?
 - Bungee jump?
 - Sky dive?
Ummm, no thank you. Needless to say, these don’t meet any of my criteria, and quite frankly, “I’m just not that kind of Girl!”

So looking at the categories of my list – let’s start with Treasure.
I own a home on 3.5 acres. (No, I am not rich – I live in the rural Carolinas where housing is affordable.) Given that this is the ultimate American Dream – how can I want for more?

Additionally, I own the Holy Grail of kitchens everywhere: a Kitchen-Aid mixer

And a cookbook library that would make you cry:

And an iMac.

Seriously? I want for nothing. But – there were a few elusive items I had yet to achieve, like jewelry and good furniture.

What about Travel?

As Johnny Cash put it, “I’ve been everywhere, man.” Careers have taken me to some corners of the world, and ex-boyfriends have taken me to the others. 

Hong Kong, China - X
Singapore - X
Tahiti & neighboring islands - X
Europe: UK, Spain, Germany, & Italy - X
Turkey - X
Australia - X

State-side "X'd" places include the hot-spots: New York, Chicago, and Orlando. I previously lived in Los Angeles, so California, Oregon, Washington, Mexico, and Hawaii were easy trips. And of course, Las Vegas – too many times to count. 

But there are many places I haven’t seen: New England, nor the Bahamas; Africa, South America, nor Eastern Europe or the Middle East. <Big sigh> Lots to do, so little time.

The other categories are simply personal goals. Family/Spiritual/Health/Educational – all impact my quality of life. 

Good Times ahead – with more to "X" off my list, so stay tuned! 

 Girl Turns 40


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

#4. MOTM January – “Jesus of Nazareth” Review

Grade: A

For my movie selection this month, I opted for a classic movie in keeping with my Spiritual/Service “spirit” (so to speak) of this month.

Some background information:
This movie was not American-made, but actually an Italian/UK film, and released as a TV miniseries in the UK in 1977.  (Yes, some 34 years ago…) Actors included Robert Powell (Jesus), and Olivia Hussey (Mary), but also included many famous faces: Sir Laurence Olivier, Michael York, James Earl Jones, Anne Bancroft, Anthony Quinn, Chistopher Plummer…who knew? As the movie played, I kept repeating, “I didn’t know (fill in the blank here) was in this movie!” Anywho… the film was shot entirely in Tunisia and Morocco, and has an authentic look and feel.  Oh yeah, and it’s 382 minutes long.  (Seriously.  6 hours and 36.6666 minutes long. Hence, two movie nights on the calendar.)

This movie is widely held to be the best dramatic rendition of the events of Jesus’ life – and it doesn’t disappoint. Movies are now so high-tech with digital color, digital picture, digital sound… and special effects, of course. I was fearful that I would lose interest without those features.  Not so. (Just a little tidbit: Apple II computers were first released in 1977, the same year as this movie.) The details included in the aesthetics: the location, costuming, sets, etc. were believable and well constructed, and the scenes gave me a new appreciation of directors who truly are crafting stories – without the benefit of technology.  I found myself lost in the story, and I never missed the special effects.

Peter Zeffirelli co-wrote and directed this film, and the end result is truly a classic movie by all definitions: 

great script + great cast + great director = great movie.

If you’re in the spiritual kinda mood, settle in (1, maybe 2 nights) for a story that highlighted the life of Jesus and ultimately reinforced my personal faith.  


Sunday, January 16, 2011

#20. Study Group Beginnings

It's been 20 years since I've been in a study group.  
Back then, I was young and skinny, with natural hair color... attending classes at UNC - Chapel Hill. (Go Heels!) Ahhhh....memories.

But now, in Present Day: I'm ready to join another kind of study group.

“Starting Point” is the name of a program at my church to encourage members to join smaller groups of similar people (think demographics, like Women, 30s-40s, Mixed marital status) for fellowship, volunteer service, and Bible study. 

I’ve been hemmin’ and hawin’ about joining one of these groups – and I’m not sure why.  I think it’s:
-       fear of not having enough time to attend meetings
-       fear of not fitting in
-       fear of not having anything to contribute, or worse…
-       fear of not getting anything from it to feed my soul.

I guess I’m normal…..Hold please, yep – I checked – this is normal.
Funny, when I was younger, I was much more fearless about meeting perfect strangers, and mingling.
Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

<Deep breath> OK.

Nevertheless, this was important to me – and why it made the infamous cut to the Top 40 ‘Drops’ list.

So last night was the kick-off meeting, which was a meet-n-greet of sorts. The leaders were super friendly, and actually – everyone at my table was great.  There was an interesting mix of all kinds of people: young, old, middle-agers, married, singles, men, and women. I opted to join one of the aforementioned groups: Women, 30s-40s, Mixed marital status. My group will meet every other Tuesday evening – so, twice a month.  Good. I did it!

Nervous for nothing.
It was fine, and I’m really glad I showed up. 

Just like Study Group from Carolina - good grades came from what could come from this? All of the sudden, I am feeling very optimistic!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Journal Meditation Update

I thought after my revelation of writing my meditations I should probably “prove” to you that I actually have been here’s the proof.

Again, for those of you who are just joining, Journal Meditation simply means focusing what’s supposed to be meditative thoughts through your mind, down your arm, and out your pencil onto paper. I have found that if I concentrate on a particular topic (like “forgiveness”) – it helps to channel my thoughts and keep me focused. I typically go on to write down my prayers, mini-gratitude lists, and the like….and somehow this method keeps me from jotting down the grocery list.  

Please note: I have completely made this up. I have no idea if there is any meditation merit whatsoever. But…it’s a start. Please do not report me to the Meditation Police.

Anywho, my musings from this past week include:

Whew. Long, long list of stuff to be carefully monitored.

I start out with “Patience is not my virtue.” Need I say more?

Indeed. Everywhere.

So, I am proud of my progress. I can look back on the week – and actually review little nuggets of wisdom….comfort in prayers….and gratitude for blessings.
It’s a quiet satisfaction.


Monday, January 10, 2011

#8. OMG. Massage Day - Part Two

It seems fitting that since January is the month of Spirituality and Service, the benefits of massage should apply, as it is a form of meditation.  (Technically, my “massage monthly” is categorized in the Health/Wellness section of my Top 40 ‘drops’ list, but I am going to borrow it for this blog.)

I went in for my monthly appointment with Kim T. from Balancing Act, and it was probably the best ever.  Aside from my normal stress levels from work and commuting – add in holiday stress:

Dig: Unpacked 19 various cardboard and plastic bins FULL of holiday decorations.
Decorate: Decked the halls.
De-clutter: Stashed 19 empty boxes back upstairs in the attic.
Dining: Planned, attended, or executed various meals.
Dinero: $0 left
Deleted: All decorations, and returned them to 19 boxes + 4 more. (Sigh. Please, no judging.)
Dumped: All 23 boxes back in the attic. One…at…a…time…

Lord, have mercy.

I won't burden you with 22 more pictures, but no doubt - I was desperate.

Enter the bliss of massage.

Again, it was one the best I’ve had – and I think I owe it to one particular thing. Kim coached me with deep breathing exercises, but in reverse to what I would expect.   Normally, I would breathe in deeply through my nose, then exhale through my mouth….but not this time! (?) She asked me to breathe in through my mouth, filling up my lungs as much as possible, then exhale through my nose.  Wow. I’ve always done in the other way around – and guess what? It really worked.  It totally surprised me how much I could tell a difference.…..

And the massage didn’t hurt either.

Feelin’ good,

Holli a.k.a GT40

Thursday, January 6, 2011

#19. Meditation? Not so much.

So we’re a week into “#19. Meditate and focus for 10 minutes each morning.”

Hmmph. Not so much.

Problem #1:

I apparently value 10 minutes more from this alarm clock, than I do potential peace and serenity from methods of meditation in the wee hours of the morning. I have tried guided meditation, but again – this wasn’t working, as I was too groggy during the early morning and simply went back to sleep.  Beep! Beep! Beep!…the alarm again.

So my next course of action was to get up, get movin’, get dressed – and then do the meditation part, just as I was about to depart the homestead.  

Problem #2:

I repeatedly ran out of time doing these things, and then half-heartedly attempted to meditate (un-meditatively, I might add) because I was stressing out about being late. 
Gold Star for Effort.

My newest improvement is to switch gears to try and meditate at the end of the day, when I am quite literally winding down – and some days crawling in the back door on my knees.  I am now preparing to meditate after Problem #2 culprits have been scrubbed, brushed, washed, and removed, and I am comfortably in bed.  Alas, at first - there was a problem.

Problem #3:

I could not turn my brain off. I would try to do as the Meditation Masters advise – clear your mind, think of your breathing, etc… but inevitably, 
"Did I set the alarm clock?"
"Did I turn on the nightlight in the bathroom?" 
Hmmph. Not so much.

But then….Eureka! I decided to start writing my meditations.  I got myself a notebook, and a good mechanical pencil (I love mechanical pencils), and my glasses (need those) – and, guess what?  It’s working. 

It allows me to “meditate” of sorts, as I can channel my thoughts into Meditative Topics. Like this – usually, I choose a MT (Meditative Topic), such as “serenity.”  Then, I reflect on the word, what it means to me, what it means to people who are important to me, and I write various thoughts while trying to focus solely on this Topic. This process usually leads to some form of gratitude, good thoughts on paper, and ultimately, prayer.

So far, so good - I'll keep you "posted". (Blog humor)


(PS – In the pic above, note the chocolate evidence peeking out behind the lamp…tee hee hee.)