Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Projections and Reflections of my 40th Birthday Bucket List

Today is January 1, 2011.

As with all “new year” beginnings, I always stop and reflect on the year that has just ended, asking myself: “Would I consider that a ‘good year’?” Sometimes the answer is ‘yes’ and sometimes the answer is ‘no’ – as I am sure is the case for most people.

For me, 2010 was a good year. My measurement to determine positive or negative is typically not based on financial success or material things – but mostly on accomplishments: 
1) starting my blog 
2) checking off items from my 40 ‘drops’ list 
3) increasing my ‘good time quotient’

What can I say? Big, happy sigh. 
Feelin’ good about last year, feelin’ good about next year.

So, my projections for 2011 are exciting and intimidating – all at the same time:

1 - It’s exciting for me to look ahead, particularly to the Travel section of my Top 40 list. There’s some good stuff ahead; places I have wanted to go my entire life, and haven’t made it there yet….. so I have great expectations for the coming year!

2 – Heads up! Look out for a new page to be added called The X-List.  This page will describe events, places, and things that I have already “crossed off” or “X’d” off my list (hence, the X-List) prior to starting my blog, so you’ll have a better idea of why certain items aren’t on my current Top 40.

And now – the most ubiquitous question anyone ever asks:
What’s my new year’s resolution?

Well, there’s more than one:

1. Suck down some vitamins

2.  Get the car tuned up

3. Renew my passport

...and get ready for possibly the best year of my life.

Happy New Year!

Holli a.k.a Girl Turns 40

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