Monday, January 3, 2011

Ode to January!

January is quite possibly the dreariest month of the year, as the holidays become a mere memory:

…no more specialty food items
…no more magical, twinkly decorations
…no more beautifully, wrapped gifts to be opened
…no more money in the bank.

Thus, this month – I have turned my attention to the Spiritual/Service intentions on my Top 40 ‘Drops’ List, carrying this theme throughout my selections for this month. Meditation, prayer, and yoga are on the list, along with searching for some gals with a similar faith to join in religious study and discussion. And finally, watching movies –
instead of spending money…
that I don’t have…
because I spent it in December.

Book Selection: Twelve Extraordinary Women: How God Shaped Women of the Bible, and What He Wants to Do with You by John MacArthur
I've heard about this book, and in keeping with the theme of the month -  this fits. Plus, I could use some shapin’ up.

Movie Selection #1: Jesus of Nazareth (1977 version) directed by Franco Ziffirelli.
I’ve never see this classic version, but (according to critics) it is supposedly very true to Scriptures, and well-executed. I think it’s a miniseries, so might be more than one night….

January TOTM (Trip of the Month): Ummmmm…
Well, I’m working on it – it will be a retreat of sorts, but I am still working the details! Stay tuned for more….

Hope your holidays were merry and bright, and your new year was happy. Here’s to winter hibernation, and a much needed spiritual renewal.


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