Monday, January 10, 2011

#8. OMG. Massage Day - Part Two

It seems fitting that since January is the month of Spirituality and Service, the benefits of massage should apply, as it is a form of meditation.  (Technically, my “massage monthly” is categorized in the Health/Wellness section of my Top 40 ‘drops’ list, but I am going to borrow it for this blog.)

I went in for my monthly appointment with Kim T. from Balancing Act, and it was probably the best ever.  Aside from my normal stress levels from work and commuting – add in holiday stress:

Dig: Unpacked 19 various cardboard and plastic bins FULL of holiday decorations.
Decorate: Decked the halls.
De-clutter: Stashed 19 empty boxes back upstairs in the attic.
Dining: Planned, attended, or executed various meals.
Dinero: $0 left
Deleted: All decorations, and returned them to 19 boxes + 4 more. (Sigh. Please, no judging.)
Dumped: All 23 boxes back in the attic. One…at…a…time…

Lord, have mercy.

I won't burden you with 22 more pictures, but no doubt - I was desperate.

Enter the bliss of massage.

Again, it was one the best I’ve had – and I think I owe it to one particular thing. Kim coached me with deep breathing exercises, but in reverse to what I would expect.   Normally, I would breathe in deeply through my nose, then exhale through my mouth….but not this time! (?) She asked me to breathe in through my mouth, filling up my lungs as much as possible, then exhale through my nose.  Wow. I’ve always done in the other way around – and guess what? It really worked.  It totally surprised me how much I could tell a difference.…..

And the massage didn’t hurt either.

Feelin’ good,

Holli a.k.a GT40

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