Wednesday, January 19, 2011

#4. MOTM January – “Jesus of Nazareth” Review

Grade: A

For my movie selection this month, I opted for a classic movie in keeping with my Spiritual/Service “spirit” (so to speak) of this month.

Some background information:
This movie was not American-made, but actually an Italian/UK film, and released as a TV miniseries in the UK in 1977.  (Yes, some 34 years ago…) Actors included Robert Powell (Jesus), and Olivia Hussey (Mary), but also included many famous faces: Sir Laurence Olivier, Michael York, James Earl Jones, Anne Bancroft, Anthony Quinn, Chistopher Plummer…who knew? As the movie played, I kept repeating, “I didn’t know (fill in the blank here) was in this movie!” Anywho… the film was shot entirely in Tunisia and Morocco, and has an authentic look and feel.  Oh yeah, and it’s 382 minutes long.  (Seriously.  6 hours and 36.6666 minutes long. Hence, two movie nights on the calendar.)

This movie is widely held to be the best dramatic rendition of the events of Jesus’ life – and it doesn’t disappoint. Movies are now so high-tech with digital color, digital picture, digital sound… and special effects, of course. I was fearful that I would lose interest without those features.  Not so. (Just a little tidbit: Apple II computers were first released in 1977, the same year as this movie.) The details included in the aesthetics: the location, costuming, sets, etc. were believable and well constructed, and the scenes gave me a new appreciation of directors who truly are crafting stories – without the benefit of technology.  I found myself lost in the story, and I never missed the special effects.

Peter Zeffirelli co-wrote and directed this film, and the end result is truly a classic movie by all definitions: 

great script + great cast + great director = great movie.

If you’re in the spiritual kinda mood, settle in (1, maybe 2 nights) for a story that highlighted the life of Jesus and ultimately reinforced my personal faith.  


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