Sunday, January 16, 2011

#20. Study Group Beginnings

It's been 20 years since I've been in a study group.  
Back then, I was young and skinny, with natural hair color... attending classes at UNC - Chapel Hill. (Go Heels!) Ahhhh....memories.

But now, in Present Day: I'm ready to join another kind of study group.

“Starting Point” is the name of a program at my church to encourage members to join smaller groups of similar people (think demographics, like Women, 30s-40s, Mixed marital status) for fellowship, volunteer service, and Bible study. 

I’ve been hemmin’ and hawin’ about joining one of these groups – and I’m not sure why.  I think it’s:
-       fear of not having enough time to attend meetings
-       fear of not fitting in
-       fear of not having anything to contribute, or worse…
-       fear of not getting anything from it to feed my soul.

I guess I’m normal…..Hold please, yep – I checked – this is normal.
Funny, when I was younger, I was much more fearless about meeting perfect strangers, and mingling.
Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

<Deep breath> OK.

Nevertheless, this was important to me – and why it made the infamous cut to the Top 40 ‘Drops’ list.

So last night was the kick-off meeting, which was a meet-n-greet of sorts. The leaders were super friendly, and actually – everyone at my table was great.  There was an interesting mix of all kinds of people: young, old, middle-agers, married, singles, men, and women. I opted to join one of the aforementioned groups: Women, 30s-40s, Mixed marital status. My group will meet every other Tuesday evening – so, twice a month.  Good. I did it!

Nervous for nothing.
It was fine, and I’m really glad I showed up. 

Just like Study Group from Carolina - good grades came from what could come from this? All of the sudden, I am feeling very optimistic!


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