Sunday, January 23, 2011

My 40th Birthday Bucket X-List

Welcome to The X-List. 

The X-list is simply a mini-list of accomplishments that I have already "crossed-off" or "X'd off" my LifeLong Bucket List. Hence the name: The X-List.  I think it’s important to understand how I arrived at my Top 40 bucket list, as you may wonder… why didn't (fill in the blank here) make it onto the Girl's bucket list?.....And, the most probable reason an item didn’t make the cut is: 

I’ve probably already done it or seen it...or it didn't meet the criteria.

Remember, the criteria for my Top 40 list is:
1. Something I’ve always wanted to have/do, but never did.
2. It’s an attainable goal.
3. Not too cost prohibitive.
4. Not too dangerous.
5. Not too ridiculous.
6. Not too difficult.

So keeping this in mind, why not....
 - Climb Mt. Everest, (or any kind of rock climbing for that matter)?
 - Hike some faraway trail?
 - Bungee jump?
 - Sky dive?
Ummm, no thank you. Needless to say, these don’t meet any of my criteria, and quite frankly, “I’m just not that kind of Girl!”

So looking at the categories of my list – let’s start with Treasure.
I own a home on 3.5 acres. (No, I am not rich – I live in the rural Carolinas where housing is affordable.) Given that this is the ultimate American Dream – how can I want for more?

Additionally, I own the Holy Grail of kitchens everywhere: a Kitchen-Aid mixer

And a cookbook library that would make you cry:

And an iMac.

Seriously? I want for nothing. But – there were a few elusive items I had yet to achieve, like jewelry and good furniture.

What about Travel?

As Johnny Cash put it, “I’ve been everywhere, man.” Careers have taken me to some corners of the world, and ex-boyfriends have taken me to the others. 

Hong Kong, China - X
Singapore - X
Tahiti & neighboring islands - X
Europe: UK, Spain, Germany, & Italy - X
Turkey - X
Australia - X

State-side "X'd" places include the hot-spots: New York, Chicago, and Orlando. I previously lived in Los Angeles, so California, Oregon, Washington, Mexico, and Hawaii were easy trips. And of course, Las Vegas – too many times to count. 

But there are many places I haven’t seen: New England, nor the Bahamas; Africa, South America, nor Eastern Europe or the Middle East. <Big sigh> Lots to do, so little time.

The other categories are simply personal goals. Family/Spiritual/Health/Educational – all impact my quality of life. 

Good Times ahead – with more to "X" off my list, so stay tuned! 

 Girl Turns 40


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