Thursday, January 6, 2011

#19. Meditation? Not so much.

So we’re a week into “#19. Meditate and focus for 10 minutes each morning.”

Hmmph. Not so much.

Problem #1:

I apparently value 10 minutes more from this alarm clock, than I do potential peace and serenity from methods of meditation in the wee hours of the morning. I have tried guided meditation, but again – this wasn’t working, as I was too groggy during the early morning and simply went back to sleep.  Beep! Beep! Beep!…the alarm again.

So my next course of action was to get up, get movin’, get dressed – and then do the meditation part, just as I was about to depart the homestead.  

Problem #2:

I repeatedly ran out of time doing these things, and then half-heartedly attempted to meditate (un-meditatively, I might add) because I was stressing out about being late. 
Gold Star for Effort.

My newest improvement is to switch gears to try and meditate at the end of the day, when I am quite literally winding down – and some days crawling in the back door on my knees.  I am now preparing to meditate after Problem #2 culprits have been scrubbed, brushed, washed, and removed, and I am comfortably in bed.  Alas, at first - there was a problem.

Problem #3:

I could not turn my brain off. I would try to do as the Meditation Masters advise – clear your mind, think of your breathing, etc… but inevitably, 
"Did I set the alarm clock?"
"Did I turn on the nightlight in the bathroom?" 
Hmmph. Not so much.

But then….Eureka! I decided to start writing my meditations.  I got myself a notebook, and a good mechanical pencil (I love mechanical pencils), and my glasses (need those) – and, guess what?  It’s working. 

It allows me to “meditate” of sorts, as I can channel my thoughts into Meditative Topics. Like this – usually, I choose a MT (Meditative Topic), such as “serenity.”  Then, I reflect on the word, what it means to me, what it means to people who are important to me, and I write various thoughts while trying to focus solely on this Topic. This process usually leads to some form of gratitude, good thoughts on paper, and ultimately, prayer.

So far, so good - I'll keep you "posted". (Blog humor)


(PS – In the pic above, note the chocolate evidence peeking out behind the lamp…tee hee hee.)

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